Saturday, 26 October 2013

Things to Know Before Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair removal is one of the most implemented and hyped beauty strategy nowadays. But how much do you know about it? Do you know anything beyond the 10-15 minutes of hair removal session of a beautician? Majority of the answers will be a NO.

Here are some lesser known facts about laser hair removal technique. Read it, you will definitely find them interesting:

  • Did you know earlier electrolysis was a prominent hair removal method? Yes, it's true! People then also had interest in removing unwanted hairs from their bodies and didn’t care implementing the painful and time consuming process of electrolysis.
  • Can be, but not always! Many experts say that, laser hair removal methods are the permanent solutions for smooth facial hairs and pesky rough hair. But it isn't so! These are the recent techniques and are even much efficient than their other counterparts, but are not necessarily the permanent solution. In many cases, it depends on the biological system of the individual also. In some people, it works for a prolonged time period, while in some hair returns back within short period.
  •  It smooths your skin! Unlike other hair removal methods, laser hair removal treatment smooths your skin to a large extent as it works on the hairs, not the skin. Other methods like waxing, threading, plucking or even electrolysis directly come in contact with the skin, thus degrade their smoothness.
  • These methods are the most effective methods unless and until you have it done from a professional, certified and well trained technician.
  • If you want your laser treatment to be a successful one, grow your hair as much as you can. Do not wax or pluck 2-3 days before the waxing, because, in that case laser beam won't find its target. Hair takes few weeks to again re-enter its growing phase.
  • They have a twin counterpart, Intense Pulsed Light Systems. These are comparably cheaper than the laser treatment, but prolonged use of these can cause serious skin burns.
  • It's quick and less painful. But in case you feel any pain you can use topical anesthetic. But in majority of the cases, cryogenic spray serves the purpose well.
  • These are safe than wax. Everyone knows that, but how? In case of laser treatments there is zero chance of inward hair growth which is a major demerit of waxing and threading.
  • Who said Laser treatment causes skin cancer? But yes, as discussed in a previous point if you go for a certified and skilled technician there won't be any problem; else laser beams can even mutate your DNA sequence.

Looking for an expert Laser hair removal technician? Contact Urbana. It provides the best waxing treatment in Dublin and Drogheda in the most affordable price.

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